Top Tips

Save as you Go

Save as you go and keep the name simple.  The best time to file something is once you have first created it. Don’t wait until your half way through or almost complete, this is when something might happen and it could get deleted by accident or you might make a mistake that you can’t undo.  […]

Delete your Files

Cull your files regularly!  Its great that these days we can have an endless amount of data stored on your devices on in the cloud. But this does not mean we should be keeping old files when we don’t use them.  A great way to keep your digital folders organised is to cull them regularly. […]

Root Folders

To keep your digital files organised our biggest tip is to have Root folders.  Root folders are folders that will contain other folders, documents etc. that refer to the one Root folder’s theme. An example of this could be a root folder called Finance.  Within this folder you could have another folder called invoices, receipts, quotes, statements etc. […]

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