Our New Brand

We have rebranded and while this might have seemed a little unnecessary thing to do, it was right for us. Read below to see the process we went through and why we chose the brand we now have.


We have been in business for over two years and during that time we have had a lot of ups and downs. But we have learnt a lot over that short period of time. During this time, we have changed our services, packages and pricing. Finding out who you are as a business takes a long time and we are still learning every day the type of business we want to be and where we want to go.  

However, now that we know more about who we are as a business, we believed it was time to rebrand to reflect our changes.  


Our branding to begin with, was very much reflective of the time and how I felt about starting my business. It was a ‘hesitate’ brand and felt ‘young’ and ‘girlish’. Not that girlish or young is a bad thin, but it didn’t truly reflect us. I chose the branding that we started with because it was an easy template that Canva had. It was colours that I liked and shapes I enjoyed but reflecting on it, it didn’t scream super professional.

I think I liked it so much because I designed it myself. I also desperately needed my business to be successful, so I didn’t dwell too much on what I had initially created.  

Once I started having some clients and started helping them with their website designs and implementation, I realised that branding is just as important as what you deliver. It’s the first thing that people see and feel about your business and if they don’t meld well with that, then they don’t continue.

New Brand

After doing a lot of reflections on who we are, what we want to present as and be known for, we came up with our new logo and branding.

Our logo is now simple without a lot of ‘fluff’ or distractions. We wanted this because we provide simple solutions to our clients and wanted a reminder of that every day.

The lines of the A’s are connecting which is to remind us that everything we do is connected. We are connected to our clients, as we are providing them with something that is beneficial to them and their business. They are connected to us, through our services, professionalism, and experience with us.

The blues and greens have always been a part of our branding, we love the colours. They are calming and strong colours. While the tones of the blues and greens a more muted in our new brand they are still with us. Toning the colours down from the previous branding, gives a calmer and more professional look. Having them toned down also doesn’t overwhelm our clients.

We have done a lot of reflecting on our brand and our business. We hope you enjoy the changes we have made. Remember if you are a small business owner, it is never not a good time to look within and change things up. Sometimes you might find a better solution or greater looking brand, whatever it could truly benefit you.

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