Terms and Conditions

Welcome to our website. This website (located at https:www.agileadmin.com.au/) is owned and operated by Agile Admin trading as C Hanley & J Hanley (ABN 98 394 740 659) (“Agile Admin”, “we”, “us”). Should you continue to use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use and disclaimer which, together with our Privacy Policy, govern our relationship with you in connection with this website. Should you not agree with any of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.

Your use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions:

1.        Use of our website

The content of this website is for your general information and use only and is subject to change without prior notice.

You can only ever use our website for lawful purposes (such as researching our goods and services or contacting us) in a manner consistent with the nature and purpose of the website, and in a way that doesn’t impact on anyone else’s use and enjoyment of the website. We have a zero-tolerance policy for users who conduct themselves unlawfully or encourage such conduct, who post any defamatory, obscene, offensive or scandalous material, harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person, or disrupt the website. We reserve the right to ban any users who engage in such behaviour.

You’re not permitted to change, add to, remove, deface, hack or otherwise interfere with our website or any material or content displayed on the website, or attempt to do any of those things.

Unauthorised use of this website may be a criminal offence and/or give rise to a claim for damages.

2.        Intellectual property

This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the content, design, layout, appearance, look, graphics, text, logos, button icons, video images, audio clips, code, scripts, design elements and interactive features of the website, and is protected by copyright under the laws of Australia and through international treaties.

Unless we say otherwise, all rights (including copyright) in the website are owned or controlled by us and are reserved by us.

Any reproduction of the website or website content is prohibited other than in accordance with these terms.

All designs, trade marks, service marks and trade names are owned, registered and/or licensed by us, save for any trademarks reproduced on this website which are not the property of or licensed to us, which are acknowledged on the website.

As a user of our website, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use our website in accordance with these terms, to copy and store the website and its content in your device’s cache memory and to print pages from the website for your own personal and non-commercial use.

Except as outlined above, we don’t grant you any other rights whatsoever in relation to the website- all other rights are expressly retained and reserved by us and nothing you do on or in relation to the website will transfer any intellectual property or associated rights.

If you would like to share our website or social media content that’s freely available for re-use or is in the public domain, you are permitted to do so, as long as you attribute same to us and link back to our website. If you’d like to share, re-publish or otherwise use our website or content in a way that you aren’t expressly authorised to do by these terms, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

  3.  Submissions

We’ll sometimes ask our users to contribute content to our website or social media. Please note before you do so that any material you send to us (including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, designs, images, videos, audio, marks or other information) will be deemed to be non-confidential and non-proprietary, unless you tell us otherwise. You authorise us to use it for any purpose, without compensation to you.

4.        Privacy

We take your privacy seriously. All information we collect through your use of the website and how we use and disclose it is set out in our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.

5.        Our use of cookies

We use cookies to monitor browsing preferences and to help us improve, promote, and protect our website and services. By continuing to use the website, you agree to our cookie policy. You can find out more information about our cookie policy in our Privacy Policy, which is available on our website.

6.     Changes to terms

If we decide to change these terms (and we can do so at any time), we’ll post a copy of our revised terms on our website. Changes to the terms will take effect immediately on being published on the website. Your continued use of the website indicates your acceptance of the revised terms.

7.     No affiliation

Our website is not a part of the Facebook website, Facebook Inc, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or Google. Nor is it endorsed by or affiliated with any of those websites or their owners in any way.

8.     Termination

The agreement between us constituted by your use of the website may be terminated at any time by us without notice. In which case all disclaimers and limitations of liability will survive termination, however you will no longer be authorised to access the website.

Thank you for reading our terms and conditions.

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