Save as you Go

Save as you go and keep the name simple. 

The best time to file something is once you have first created it. Don’t wait until your half way through or almost complete, this is when something might happen and it could get deleted by accident or you might make a mistake that you can’t undo. 

This also means you can name your document and place it in the right place straight away. 

Now when it comes to naming your documents there a few things you should do: 

  1. Be Specific – the goal when naming a document is to be able to know exactly what it is without opening it
  2. Have the correct information – if your sending files out you want people to know exactly what it is, so make sure that’s in the title. Example Invoice_2022
  3. Don’t use spaces – to make searching documents easier, its better if you use under scores for spaces 

If you use these simple tips in naming your documents and saving them straight away, you are on your way of having an amazing organised digital system. 

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