Delete your Files

Cull your files regularly! 

Its great that these days we can have an endless amount of data stored on your devices on in the cloud. But this does not mean we should be keeping old files when we don’t use them. 

A great way to keep your digital folders organised is to cull them regularly. Now this doesn’t mean you have to delete everything straight away you can simple create an “Old” or “Inactive” folder within your Root folder and move old files into it when you come across them. Then once every few months or at the end of the year, cull that folder by deleting anything you haven’t used or opened in that time frame. 

This not only ensures you never go over your data allocation (if you have one), but it also means you keep your files organised and makes it easier to find. 

Important: DO NOT delete business related files unless you are absolutely certain that you never need that file again. Instead create a Root folder called Historical and save it in there under the year it was created. This will ensure you never delete anything you might need in a few years for reporting purposes. 

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